Hour of Code at Academy Center of the Arts

Software Development is a booming industry. The most in-demand jobs in this field average out to about $88,000 a year. Studies show that by 2020 the demand for these jobs will increase by over 30%, leaving a million more jobs than Computer Science students. Why does this matter?

Learning how to code is not only advantageous for adults looking for employment; it also has many positive effects on children. It teaches them to follow instructions, inspires creativity, and gives them a basic knowledge of Computer Science. Teaching children to code is an investment in their future.

We’re very excited to partner with the Academy Center of the Arts on an event that will teach the basics of coding in a simple and fun way that everyone can understand.

What is the Hour of Code?

Hour of Code is an opportunity for anyone to learn the basics of computer programming. It takes coding tasks and makes them fun by adding a game-like aspect. You can help R2D2 catch stormtroopers when you code with Star Wars or get a lesson from Mark Zuckerberg when you code with Angry Birds. It’s an hour of practical knowledge being taught in an easily-understood way.

So don’t miss out! All you need is a laptop or a tablet and you can start learning.

Tuesday December 8th
Thursday December 10th
The Academy Center of the Arts
600 Main St. Lynchburg, Va 24502